Mediterranean Homes

General Animal Information: Our properties are animal friendly. A maximum number of 4 animals are allowed per unit. If an approved animal causes serious disruption or damages to the property your tenancy or pet's tenancy may be terminated. Animal owners are expected to be responsible and humane in the care of their animals. Animals are not allowed to be left outside unattended. Animals are to be always on a leash when walking outdoors regardless of the type of animal(s). Animal owners are expected to clean up after their animal(s) immediately. Please respect your neighbors and do not allow your animals to relieve themselves at anyone’s front door area or on their lawns.

Request for Approval: For consideration of your animal, the application process requires current vaccination records, a photo of your animal, a description of your animal, and applicable deposits.

Animal Deposit: A one-time animal deposit of $350 is required, per animal. This amount is added to your security deposit and is fully refundable upon move out less deduction for damage and tenant responsibilities. Deposit(s) is due prior to animal residing in the home.

Additional Rent: Your total monthly rent will increase by $20 each month, per approved animal.

Breed Restrictions: The following dog breeds are not permitted — Pitt Bull or any Pit Bull mixed breed. All other dog breeds are considered based upon approval. There are no age or weight restrictions for animals.

Animal Violations: We attempt to be fair and transparent with our animal requirements and fees, and request our residents do the same. Animal Authorization can be terminated if you, your animal, your guest or other occupants violate any rules pertaining to the Animal Policies or Animal Addendum.

Unauthorized Animals: Any resident or occupant that violates animal restrictions will be subject to a $100.00 initial charge, and an additional charge of $10.00 per day, per animal from the date animal was brought into home until animal is removed or approved.

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Assistance or Service Animals: For consideration of your animal, when allowed by applicable laws, we require annual written verification for approval. ESA and Service Animal owners must contact our office for our required paperwork. Any request to waive fees must be in writing and verified by our management division.

Contact Us If You Have Any Questions